Oxygen rich plants

1. Snake plant

  • Snake plant is a houseplant with delicate upright leaves. 
  • It is also known as mother-in-law’s tongue and grow up to 3 feet high.
  • It holds a unique property that it continuously absorbs carbon dioxide from the air and also removes formaldehyde to create a healthy environment even during the night.
  • It is easy to grow low maintenance plant that does not need water regularly. 
2. Tulsi

  • Tulsi is also known as Holy Basil. It is native to India and mostly cultivated in south-eastern Asia.
  • It is commonly used for treating Asthma, cold, sore throat, high bp and cholesterol.
  • Also used as a stress relaxant and inflammation controller.
3. Money plant

  • Money Plant is also known as Devil’s ivy.
  • The name Money plant is given because it has flat plump leaves that resemble a coin. 
  • Mostly used as an indoor plant for filtering air and also cure sleep disorders.

4. Bamboo plant

  • Bamboo plants are another type of plants that have a high transpiration rate. 
  • These plants are very easy to find and can grow well in many different lighting conditions. 
  • These plants also possess the quality of releasing oxygen at night, provided that they are needed to be watered a lot.

5. Areca palm

  • Areca palm is also known as golden palm, butterfly palm and yellow palm and is native to south India and the Philippines.
  • Areca palm can be used as an indoor house plant and required special attention.
  • The soil must be slightly moist in the summer seasons and somewhat dry in the fall season. 
  • It can be planted in full sun, but it prefers partial shade. 
6. Neem

  • Neem Plant has many benefits and is known for its anti-bacterial properties.
  • It is also used to purify the air and have a cure for various ailments.
  • It also acts as a natural pesticide that is why advised to plant in the middle of the yard.
  • It is also used as a hair and dental products.
7. Aloe vera

  • Aloe Vera Plant is best known to remove toxins from the air like aldehydes and benzene. 
  • Unlike most plants, it releases oxygen at night as well and well suited for bedrooms and indoor environment.
  • They grow slowly and have thick pointed leaves with white transparent gel. 
  • It is a medicinal plant used for different treatments. 
  • It mostly flourishes in a sunny atmosphere and overwatering can damage its roots.
8. Peepul

  • Peepul Plant is also known as Sacred fig or Ficus religiosa, native to India. 
  • Peepul has different benefits, apart from all the superstitions and myths about it.
  • It provides oxygen at night and treats Asthma and constipation. 
  • It is also used as a diabetes controller.
  • It also helps as a remedy for tooth decay.
  • Apart from its medicinal significance, it is also considered as a sacred plant in Hinduism and Buddhism. 


  1. These trees and plants are very beneficial for us at current situation ( covid 19) spread throughout the world specially in indai At that time . These plants are rich source of oxygen which is necessary to growing in our homes to see the condition of our society.

  2. As we see the situation of covid we must grow plants in so we get pure air with rich oxygen

  3. It helps in living healthy lyf.


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